In August 2014, we rescued Pumba, a four-month old potbellied pig looking for some TLC and a good home. It was our intention to foster Pumba and find him a good match–but, he instantly bonded with us, and we decided to keep him! Pumba had been fed a poor diet, and in such case, was overweight with terribly dry skin and mange mites. We switched him to a healthier diet, including pig chow and a supplement of vegetables, and gave him skin treatments with coconut oil. In addition, we provided him with an Ivomec treatment (a dewormer) that helped eliminate the mange. Check out Pumba’s pictures over the past few months–he’s looking way better, and he’s finally grown into his body! We absolutely love this guy, and must say that our first real rescue attempt was a success!
Pumba’s Story
Status update on Mr. Pumba
It’s been a while since we’ve posted anything about our rescue pig, Pumba, so we thought we’d share a little about how this fella is doing!
Hog Haven’s first rescue: Pumba the Pig
In mid-August, Erin and Andrew decided to bring home their first rescue pig. Pumba was living north of Denver, Colorado, with a family who could no longer keep him. Pumba was born in April 2014, in Kansas, and adopted at roughly 8 weeks of age. His family starting bringing him to a farm vet, who poorly advised them on proper diet. Thus, Puma developed a weight problem and incredibly dry skin. At 4 months old, the time of the rescue, Pumba weighed approximately 25lbs and was larger than Erin and Andrew’s 10month old pig, Boris.